Our rising damp and structural waterproofing work comes with our own 10 year guarantee.
Insurance Backed Guarantee
We are also able to provide third party insurance backed guarantees on request through QANW.

As members of the PCA we offer insurance backed guarantees (IBGs), provided by QANW to safeguard your long term guarantee. As a result you will have protection in the future if faults arise in the works and we have, for example, ceased to trade.
QANW trades under the trading name of Warranty Services Ltd. Its registration number is SC205797 and the registered office is 1 George Square, Glasgow G21A4 Scotland. Their Firm Reference Number on the Financial Services Register is 309580
The general principle of an IBG is simple. It will honour the terms of our long term guarantee, originally issued to you by us, if we cease trading and are therefore unable to meet our own guarantee obligations by carrying out or meeting the costs of remedial works that may be required during the long term guarantee.